Is Frustation a Choice?
Have you ever thought frustration is simply a choice? You're in the heat of the moment, in the middle of an argument, or things just are not going right/well. You feel anger, or all this raw emotion bubbling up from inside you. What do you do? Let your mouth take the wheel and fly off the handle?
Shall we think about this for a moment or three? How you react is up to you. You decide as to wheater you go off the deep end and fly off the handle, or you can choose to not react. Instead, act out of God's Will for us and use the fruits of the spirit that He has blessed us with. We can choose to act on our patience, love, and faithfulness to only state a few...
Maybe this sounds crazy to you. I know I didn't quite understand it the first time I had heard "don't act on your emotions"! I thought that's a great concept but how in the world can you care about people and moments in your life if you don't show emotion or act with emotion? I will be going more in debth with this topic. It has been huge in my spiritual growth with Jesus!!! I thank Joyce Meyer for being a huge inspiration to me! I am also so very thankful for the Holy Spirit in guiding/directing me!
I also thank you for being on this journey with me! Stay tuned as I will go into more detail about using the fruits of the Spirit in helping you decide how to act in our trying times.
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