Romans 10 Mini-series Part 4

Hey y'all! Welcoe to this weks Teaching Tueday Thread! This week we are going over the whole chapter of Romans 10 and bringing together what we learnd throughout this mini-series.  Lets begin shall we?

Lets start with vereses 1-4. No mattter how hard we tty, we will never be perect; threfore, Jesus is the only way to slavation.

Next, veerses 5-9
While we have laws, rules, and commandments that tell us how to live, we must remember that its not living in perfection that saves us.  Its our faith in Jesus as as our savior that saves us.  We should look to Jesus as our living eample of how to try to act and live.  I say try only because we are to do our best since none of us are perfect.

Also, we must be spreading the gospel to others through our lifestyle and sharing the word of God (so sharing through actions and words).

Now, verss 10-17
Is God calling you to spread His Word to others? To spreaad the great news of Jesus the Messiah, the was for our salvation?

Next, verses 18-20
Many Jews looked for the Messiah refused to believe in Him when he came.  God offered His slavation to the Gentiles ("those who are not a nation" and "a nation that has no understanding"); thus many Gentiles who didn't even know about a messiah found and believe in him. Some religious people are spiritually blind, while those who have never been in a church are sometimes the most responsive to God's message. Because appearances are deceiving, and we can't see into people's hearts, beware of judging beforehand who will respond to the gospel and who will not (verse note from NIV Life Application Study Bible).

Finally, our last verse
Please remember this verse
Romans 10:21 NIV
"All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people."

No matter how much we mess up, no matter how many mistakes we make, no matter how high our mountains, and no matter how low our valleys GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

I pray this brings you encouragement and inspiration! Much love and may peace be with y'all!


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