
Showing posts from September, 2018

My Trying Times

Hello and welcome to another Teaching Tuesday Thread! This week I'm going to talk about how I'm trying to produce fruits in my trying times with God by my side! Last week I went over what the fruits of the Spirit are. They are; * Love * Peace * Joy * Kindness * Goodness * Gentleness * Faithfulness * Self Control When you are in the heart of the moment in a trial, weather it be small or big, it can be quite a challenge to act according to God's will. Now that I understand what the above fruits are, I use them as a guide/reference on not just how to act but how to handle my problems and trials and how to bring it back around to Jesus. This has been a lengthy road of learning but I'm thankful for it since it has grown both my wisdom and relationship with Jesus tremendously!!! Our basement has flooded again but not as bad as last time. While my husband got upset and started ranting about his frustration so to speak, I remained calm, gave thanks for it not being w...

The Fruits of the Spirit

So for many years I had always heard Christains talking about how you know other Christains by their fruit. I never really knew what that meant. What fruit? We aren't trees so we don't produce "fruit". So by using the word fruit implies that we are giving something. I have finally learned what these "fruits" are. Here's a list; * Love * Joy * Peace * Kindness * Goodness * Faithfulness * Gentleness * Self Control In Galatians 5:22-26 it tells us, "But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature together with its passions and appetites. If we [claim to] live by the [Holy] Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit [with personal integrit...

People in my life

I'm so thankful for all the people God is putting on my paths and in my life! These people are answers to prayers and true blessings to not just myself, but to my whole family! Thank you too all

Is Frustation a Choice?

Have you ever thought frustration is simply a choice?  You're in the heat of the moment, in the middle of an argument, or things just are not going right/well.  You feel anger, or all this raw emotion bubbling up from inside you.  What do you do?  Let your mouth take the wheel and fly off the handle?  Shall we think about this for a moment or three?  How you react is up to you.  You decide as to wheater you go off the deep end and fly off the handle, or you can choose to not react.  Instead, act out of God's Will for us and use the fruits of the spirit that He has blessed us with.  We can choose to act on our patience, love, and faithfulness to only state a few... Maybe this sounds crazy to you.  I know I didn't quite understand it the first time I had heard "don't act on your emotions"!  I thought that's a great concept but how in the world can you care about people and moments in your life if you don't show emotion or act with e...

Why Does Waiting Have to be Frustrating?

Who said that waiting HAS to be, NEEDS to be, or even is supposed to be FRUSTRATING!?? I know I didn't, and I know Jesus didn't for we are to have patience. So we are getting our roof and siding all replaced due to the hail damage we had. Storm happened in the beginning of June. We finally got an insurance adjuster here I think over a month later. I think we signed paperwork with contractor maybe another month after that? It's now September and we finally received our roofing material today!!! After it has been rescheduled twice lol  Lord, thank you for seeing it here safely! I pray that you comfort our neighbor and that this person realizes it won't be for long... In Jesus name, Amen

Long Story Short...

So in the beginning of June we had a bad hail storm here at the swamp. My husband had me call our insurance company back in May to cancel since it's very expensive (we were going to go to another company). My agent told me she was going to check on some things to see if she could get the price down. She never called me back. So they still cancelled our insurance even though my agent said she was only putting it on hold. So this long story made short, after a ton of phone tag between multiple people and agents it was finally worked out and they are covering us. Thank you Lord, for helping us through this and providing what we need!

God can fix us!